Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Haiiiiiiiiii...rse lme lk x update blog ak ni...dh mcm berkulat dh kn....ahahahah... nk cter r...lpe lk...
Ni cter aku...

luahan dri sanubari aku ni....

Skrg aku rse sowg jew....

“Langkah aku pnuh rse keliru...

Stiap nfas aku...

Rse pilu...

Sunyi salu mnyape hati aku......

Setiap senyuman yang aku slalu tatapi...

Kini hilang skelip mate jew....”

Pehhhhh.... ayat aku x leh blaaa r...bese bkat jd composer ahahahah....bnyk lgu aku wt cmme xde melody jew lgi...

Haaaaaaaaaa...blek cter aku...
Xde spe2 dh......

Hri aku mngadap pc...

Spent mse ngn kekasih gelap iaitu camera nikon d60 r...
asiment jew...

Boring siot...

Jd cm2 cz mybe clap aku kot...

Or...owg 2...kot...xpe r xnk cter psl 2....dh lpas..

Emmmmm...ble msk part 5 ni...

Aku rse mcm...aku hilang...

Hilang apeeee....faz....

Ble part 5........kje x ciap...lmbat...nme jew faz...smua bnde x complete...hdup nk lpak jew ngn ex...p2 sakit selalu...........

Xde comitment kt work...hummmmmmm....susah cm2...

Klu sem lps...huh... cpt jew ak.... btol x kwn2...(ckp btolllllllllll...)
But now ak sdar y...smua bnde x brfaedah dh tengelam kn...aku pnye spirt nk goooooooooo on to my glory.....

Skrg..aku nk bangkit...nk pangil aku dlu..y caring....ahhahaha...

Fazdeath the inner monster......
Haaaaaaaa....aku nk wt kje ciap....then brkuality...nk bukti kn..kt owg y dh hina

aku....y ak ni... bkn owg y lemah...aku kuat... wlau pn aku sowg...

Aku nk jd trbaik dri y terbaik.....forget all the fucking memories that stuck my fucking mind.....

Haaaaaaaaaaa...1 g...nseb baik gk aku ni..jnis ble ade mslh problem...aku chillllllll jew....hyper hapy jew...kdang bdk2 klas plik npe ngn faz...hahahahahah..

nk lpe mslh...then wt asigment....ok x......ok

Wt pe gk..nk sedehhhhh...bnde dh lps...len r camera rsak ke...mmg ak nges....syg glerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....r.....

emmmm k r...6ti aku cter psl len lk...k...slamat hari ryeeeeeeeee....hehehehehe...
i love you and good bye....

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